All Triathlons, Duathlons & Ironmans in Germany: An overview of upcoming triathlon races in Germany.

Dates for all triathlon events in Germany, including registration, course, schedule, results and more details.

Every year, around 500 triathlon events take place in Germany. Germany is clearly a triathlon nation: not only do many of the world-class triathletes come from the Federal Republic, but world-renowned triathlon events are also held in Germany.

The supreme discipline of triathlon is the long-distance event, which consists of a 3.8 km swim, 180 km bike ride and 42.2 km run. A well-known long-distance series is the IRONMAN. Each year, this race series includes about 40 events worldwide. While the global title fights take place in Hawaii, Frankfurt is the host of the global title fights. At the IRONMAN European Championship Frankfurt, the strongest triathletes in Europe compete every summer.

The biggest triathlons in Germany

Over the long distance, there is no way around the Challenge Roth in Germany with over 3,000 individual starters and more than 600 relay teams. In the competing IRONMAN series, the "IRONMAN 70.3 Kraichgau" attracts triathletes en masse to Baden-Württemberg.

In Düsseldorf, the T3 Triathlon Düsseldorf inspires about 2,000 athletes to participate. The Olympic triathlon and the sprint distance are the top disciplines. The Berlin Triathlon is held in the German capital.

A triathlon in the Alps

Other well-known triathlons in Germany include the "5150 Kraichgau", the "Würzburg Triathlon", the "Dresden City Triathon", the "Kallinchen Triathlon", the "Rodgau Triathlon", the "City Triathlon Bremen", the "Nordseeman & NordseeWoman Triathon", the "HeidelbergMan" and the "Erlangen Triathlon".

If you fancy a triathlon in the middle of the Alps, the Sixtus Schliersee Alpentriathlon is the place to be. The starting signal is given in front of the impressive alpine scenery of Schliersee. The 40 km long bike course leads through the Bavarian foothills of the Alps. On the 10 km run course at Spitzingsee, you can really soak up the Alpine flair once again. With a maximum of 850 participants, the starting field is limited. It is definitely worth registering quickly.

In the duathlon calendar we can recommend the POWERMAN series. The Powerman Alsdorf in North Rhine-Westphalia, for example, attracts around 1,000 athletes to participate.

All Triathlons in Germany

Triathlons 2024 in Germany: Top-Events


Date of the race | 06:15 Uhr
Location of the race Hamburg
Distance of the race Langdistanz

IRONMAN 70.3 Duisburg

Date of the race | 07:30 Uhr
Location of the race Duisburg
Distance of the race Mitteldistanz

Challenge Roth

Date of the race | 06:30 Uhr
Location of the race Roth
Distance of the race Langdistanz

IRONMAN 70.3 Kraichgau

Date of the race | 08:45 Uhr
Location of the race Bad Schönborn
Distance of the race Mitteldistanz

Allgäu Triathlon

Date of the race | 08:00 Uhr
Location of the race Immenstadt
Distance of the race Sprint / Olympisch / Mitteldistanz

Frankfurt City Triathlon

Date of the race | 06:30 Uhr
Location of the race Langen
Distance of the race Mitteldistanz / Olympische Distanz / Sprintdistanz / Jedermanndistanz / Staffel


Date of the race | 09:00 Uhr
Location of the race Heidelberg
Distance of the race 1,5 km - 36 km - 10 km

Würzburg Triathlon

Date of the race | 07:00 Uhr
Location of the race Erlabrunn
Distance of the race Langdistanz Frankenman / Mitteldistanz / Jedermann (300m-34-5) / Olympisch (1,5-38-10)

Mey Generalbau Triathlon Tübingen

Date of the race | 09:00 Uhr
Location of the race Tübingen
Distance of the race Sprintdistanz + Olympische Distanz + Staffel

Schloss-Triathlon Moritzburg

Date of the race | 07:00 Uhr
Location of the race Moritzburg
Distance of the race Langdistanz / Halbdistanz / Olympische Distanz / Jedermann Distanz

Hölle von Q - Ditfurt

Date of the race | 06:40 Uhr
Location of the race Ditfurt
Distance of the race Mitteldistanz

Maschsee Triathlon Hannover

Date of the race | 08:40 Uhr
Location of the race Hannover
Distance of the race Sprint (500 m Schwimmen – 21,6 km Radfahren – 5 km Laufen), Olympische Distanz (1,5 km Schwimmen – 40 Radfahren – 10 km Laufen)

5150 Kraichgau

Date of the race | 14:00 Uhr
Location of the race Bad Schönborn
Distance of the race Olympische Distanz

Berlin Triathlon

Date of the race | 01.06.2025 (ACHTUNG: Termin nicht fixiert) 11:00 Uhr
Location of the race Berlin
Distance of the race Mitteldistanz / Olympisch / Sprint / Fitness / Kinder

Köln Triathlon

Date of the race |
Location of the race Köln
Distance of the race Mitteldistanz / Olympische Distanz / Sprint / Staffel

Erbacher Triathlon

Date of the race | 09:00 Uhr
Location of the race Erbach
Distance of the race Olympischer und Volkstriathlon

indeland triathlon Aldenhoven

Date of the race | 10:00 Uhr
Location of the race Eschweiler
Distance of the race Volks-, Olympische- und Mitteldistanz

Kraichgau Summertime Triathlon

Date of the race | 09:30 Uhr
Location of the race Karlsdorf-Neuthard
Distance of the race Olympische Distanz / Sprint Distanz / Jedermann Distanz

VR Bank Triathlon Heilbronn powered by Audi

Date of the race | 08:00 Uhr
Location of the race Heilbronn
Distance of the race MItteldistanz / Kurzdistanz / Sprintdistanz

Powerman Alsdorf

Date of the race | 09:15 Uhr
Location of the race Alsdorf
Distance of the race Sprint (5/20/5 km), Short mit DM (10/40/5 km) und Jugend


Date of the race | 12:00 Uhr
Location of the race Waren in Müritz
Distance of the race Kurzdistanz / Mitteldistanz / Swim & Run Schüler

Breisgau Triathlon

Date of the race |
Location of the race Malterdingen
Distance of the race Sprint / Mitteldistanz / Staffel

Vredener Sparkassentriathlon

Date of the race | 09:30 Uhr
Location of the race Vreden
Distance of the race Jedermann / Kurzdistanz / Sprint / Kinder / Staffel


Date of the race |
Location of the race Münster
Distance of the race Sprint / Olympische Distanz / VD-Staffel

OstseeMan Glücksburg

Date of the race | 03.08.2025 06:45 Uhr
Location of the race Glücksburg
Distance of the race Langdistanz / Mitteldistanz / Staffel

Covestro Triathlon rund um den Elfrather See

Date of the race | 08:30 Uhr
Location of the race Krefeld
Distance of the race Olympische Distanz / Volkstriathlon / Schnuppertriathlon / Staffel

Rodgau Triathlon

Date of the race | 09:00 Uhr
Location of the race Rodgau
Distance of the race Olympisch / Sprint

Hückeswagener Triathlon

Date of the race | 08:30 Uhr
Location of the race Hückeswagen
Distance of the race Volksdistanz / Kurzdistanz

Sassenberger Triathlon

Date of the race | 09:30 Uhr
Location of the race Sassenberg
Distance of the race Mitteldistanz (1,9 - 90 -21km), Münsterland Grandprix (1,7 - 67 - 15 km), Olymisch (1,5 - 44 - 10km), Volks-Distanz (0,7 - 23 - 5km), Staffel ( 0,7 - 23 - 5km)

O-See-Triathlon Uelzen

Date of the race | 08:30 Uhr
Location of the race Uelzen
Distance of the race Mitteldistanz / Olympische Distanz / Sprint

Dirty Race Murr

Date of the race | 13:30 Uhr
Location of the race Murr
Distance of the race 5 km Laufen – 15 km Mountain Bike – 4 km Laufen.

Niederrhein Triathlon (N3T)

Date of the race |
Location of the race Kalkar
Distance of the race Mitteldistanz / Olympisch / Sprint / Staffel

City Triathlon Bremen

Date of the race | 11:00 Uhr
Location of the race Bremen
Distance of the race 1,5 / 40 / 10 km - 0,5 / 20 / 5 km

Challenge Ferropolis (neuseenMAN)

Date of the race | 11:00 Uhr
Location of the race Gräfenhainichen
Distance of the race Mitteldistanz / Sprint / Olympisch / Staffel

Erlanger Triathlon

Date of the race | 09:00 Uhr
Location of the race Erlangen
Distance of the race Mitteldistanz / Olympische Distanz


Date of the race | 14:00 Uhr
Location of the race Ladenburg
Distance of the race Olympische Distanz: 1,8km – 41km – 10km und Fitnesstriathlon (0,5km - 24km - 5km)

Q-Tri Bornhöved

Date of the race | 09:00 Uhr
Location of the race Bornhöved
Distance of the race Bambini - Sprint

Steinbecker Triathlon

Date of the race | 09:30 Uhr
Location of the race Steinbeck
Distance of the race 0,5/27/5 km, 1,5/42/10 km, 1,5/70/21 km, Staffel 0,5/27/5 km

Regensburger Triathlon

Date of the race | 09:30 Uhr
Location of the race Regensburg
Distance of the race Olympische Distanz / Sprint

Abraxas-Triathlon Aachen

Date of the race | 10:00 Uhr
Location of the race Aachen
Distance of the race Sprint, Supersprint, Kinder, Jugend, Jedermann, Staffeln

Tennet Power Triathlon Trebgast

Date of the race | 09:00 Uhr
Location of the race Kulmbach
Distance of the race Kurzdistanz / Volksdistanz / Schnupperdistanz / Staffeln

Triathlon Dortmund

Date of the race |
Location of the race Dortmund
Distance of the race Sprint / Olympisch / Schüler

Memmert Rothsee Triathlon

Date of the race | 12:00 Uhr
Location of the race Hilpoltstein
Distance of the race Schüler / 2. Bundesliga / Jedermann / Sprint / Staffel / Olympisch Einzel und Staffel

Trimmathlon Velen

Date of the race | 13:30 Uhr
Location of the race Velen
Distance of the race 0,333 km - 16 km - 5 km / 0,2 km - 9 km - 3 km

IRONMAN 70.3 Erkner

Date of the race | 07:30 Uhr
Location of the race Erkner
Distance of the race Mitteldistanz (Middle Distance) / Olympische Distanz (Olympic) / Sprint

Elbe-Triathlon Hamburg

Date of the race | 08:00 Uhr
Location of the race Hamburg
Distance of the race Jedermann / Olympische Distanz / Team-Sprint


All Triathlons in Germany

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